This series is not principally about politics and more about cultivating a distinctively Christian vision for engaging with society and culture as the church unto the renewal of all things.

What was Jesus’ pattern for handling power? How are we to approach our enemies? Can violence ever be legitimate? How are we, as citizens of a heavenly kingdom, to relate to modern nation states and national identities? How are we called to engage and to make a difference? Some interesting questions here in this module that is entitled ‘political imagination’ with the hope that our imaginations can be awoken in creative and hopeful ways, beyond what normally comes to mind when we think of ‘politics’.



(1) Power // Owen Gallacher // 20th June 2021

(2) Vocation // Rich Johnson // 27th June 2021

(3) Violence and Martyrdom // Laura & Owen Gallacher // 4th July 2021

(4) Enemy Love // James Roe // 11th July 2021



For each session of teaching there ares notes, questions and suggested practices
to fuel further engagement by individuals and our midweek groups.




Novel: Cloud Atlas (2004), by David Mitchell

Book: Playing God, Redeeming the gift of Power, by Andy Crouch

Short read: The case for Christian Non-Violence

Book: Sympathy for Jonah, by David Benjamin Blower


Movie: Selma (2014)

Movie: Unbroken (2014)

Documentary series: Once upon a time in Iraq

Alpha Stories: Emmanuel and Vincent


Tent Theology podcast with political theologian Stephen Backhouse